Archive for 2013

In Hanuman Chalisa it is said:
" Yug sahastra yojan per bhanu!
  Leelyo taahi madhu phal janu!!

1 Yug =12000 years
1 sahastra =1000
1 Yojan =8 miles

Yug * Sahastra * Yogan = par bhanu
1 mile =1.6 kms
96000000 miles = 96000000 * 1.6 kms= 153600000 kms to sun

NASA has said that, it is the exact distance between Earth to Sun (Bhanu).
Which says that Hanuman ji did jump to sun, thinking that it is a sweet fruit (Madhu Pal)....

It is really interesting how accurate and meaningful our ancient scriptures are..
Unfortunately barely it is recognised, interpreted accurately or realized by any in today's time.... 

Lyman Alpha photometer(LAP):
                   It is an absorption cell photometer. It measures the abundance of deuterium and hydrogen from Lyman-alpha emission in the Martian upper atmosphere. Measurement of D/H (deuterium to hydrogen abundance ratio) allows us to understand the loss process of water from the planet.

Mars Color Camera(MCC):
                   This tri-color Mars color camera gives images & information about the surface features and composition of Martian surface. They are useful to monitor the dynamic events and weather of mars. MCC will also be used for probing the two satellites of mars-Phobos & Deimos. It also provides tha context information for other science payloads.

Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (TIS):
                     TIS measures the thermal emission and can be operated during both day and night. Temperature and emissivity are the two basic physical parameters estimated from thermal emission measurement. Many minerals and soil types have characteristic spectra in TIR region. TIS can map surface composition and mineralogy of mars.

Mars Exospheric Neutral Composition Analyser (MENCA):
                      It is a guadruple mass spectrometer capable of analysing the neutral composition in the range of 1 to 300 amu with unit mass resolution. The heritage of this payload is from chandra's Altitudinal Composition Explorer (CHACE) payload.

Methane Sensor For Mars (MSM):
                         It is designed to measure Methane in the Martian atmosphere with PPB accuracy and map its sources. Data is acquired only over illuminated scene as the sensor measures reflected solar radiation. Methane concentration in the Martian atmosphere undergoes spatial and temporal variations.


One of the main objectives of the first Indian mission to Mars is to develop the technologies required for design, planning, management and operations of an interplanetary mission. 

Following are the major objectives of the mission:

Technological Objectives:
1)Design and realisation of a Mars orbiter with a capability to survive and perform Earth bound manoeuvres, cruise phase of 300 days, Mars orbit insertion / capture, and on-orbit phase around Mars.
2)Deep space communication, navigation, mission planning and management.
3)Incorporate autonomous features to handle contingency situations.

Scientific Objectives:

1)Exploration of Mars surface features, morphology, mineralogy and Martian atmosphere by indigenous scientific instruments.

Right now you are simultaneously hurtling around the sun at 66,600 mph while sitting on a rock that is spinning at 1,070 mph. On top of that, our whole solar system is rocketing through space around the center of the Milky Way at around 559,234 mph. On top of that, our galaxy is hurtling through space at around 671,080 mph, with respect to our local group of galaxies. On top of that, for all we know, our entire Universe is hurtling through some unknown medium at some other ridiculous speed.

Facts About Mars Curiosity Rover.

Monday, 16 September 2013
Posted by vicky

  • Curiosity is just the name of the rover; the overall mission is referred to as the Mars Science Laboratory or MSL
  • Of the previous 39 missions to Mars, including orbiters and landers, only 15 have been successful
  • All six successful landers have been NASA missions, though a Soviet lander did broadcast for 14 minutes before contact was lost
  • The Mars Science Laboratory mission cost $2.5 billion which is about $1 billion over budget

Specifications of the rover
  • The Curiosity rover weighs 900 kilograms
  • When on Mars it will be able to move at 30 meters per hour depending on the terrain
  • Curiosity has 17 cameras and 10 other scientific instruments
  • These include a mobile organic chemistry lab and a laser that can vaporise rocks
  • The rover is powered by a radioisotope thermoelectric generator and lithium-ion batteries

The Mission
  • The main mission is expected to last for one Martian year or about 98 weeks

The MSL mission has four scientific goals:
  1. Determine whether Mars could ever have supported life
  2. Study the climate of Mars
  3. Study the geology of Mars
  4. Plan for a human mission to Mars

Ocean waters do hold gold – nearly 20 million tons of it. However, if you were hoping make your fortune mining the sea, consider this: Gold in the ocean is so dilute that its concentration is on the order of parts per trillion. Each liter of seawater contains, on average, about 13 billionths of a gram of gold.

There are nearly 38,000 of man made objects orbiting the earth since the launch of sputnik in 1957, such as parts of old space rockets sent up by Russia, China, Europe and the USA etc, lots of military and civilian satellites used for communication, navigation, research and reconnaissance, space probes sent to explore planets like Mars, the Hubble Space Telescope used to look deep into space and the International Space Station.

A team at Boston Children’s Hospital have invented a micro-particle that can be injected into your bloodstream to oxygenate your blood – without any help being required from your lungs.

The particles are able to keep a patient alive for up to 30 minutes after respiratory failure – which is normally enough time to prevent a heart attack or brain damage due to oxygen deprivation.

What does space smell of?

Saturday, 18 May 2013
Posted by vicky

Thanks to an orbiting astronaut, we now know the answer, and it is even stranger than you might expect
.Astronauts say the unique smell aboard the International Space Station is reminiscent of two things - meat and metal.

It has been described as like 'seared steak', 'hot metal' and welding fumes'.

Astronaut's have largely agreed on the scent.

Three-time spacewalker Thomas Jones said returning to the ISS, 'carries a distinct odor of ozone, a faint acrid smell.' and is 'sulfurous'.

                                 The March 11,2011  magnitude 9.0 earthquake in Japan may have shortened the length of each Earth day and shifted its axis. But don't worry—you won't notice the difference.

                                 The calculations also show the Japan quake should have shifted the position of Earth's figure axis (the axis about which Earth's mass is balanced) by about 17 centimeters (6.5 inches), towards 133 degrees east longitude. Earth's figure axis should not be confused with its north-south axis; they are offset by about 10 meters (about 33 feet). This shift in Earth's figure axis will cause Earth to wobble a bit differently as it rotates, but it will not cause a shift of Earth's axis in space—only external forces such as the gravitational attraction of the sun, moon and planets can do that.

                                 Shortened days on Earth by 1.8 microseconds

Do you know Jupiter is a gas planet?

Saturday, 27 April 2013
Posted by vicky

Jupiter has no surface for a spacecraft to land on because it is made mostly from helium gas and hydrogen. The massive pull of Jupiter’s gravity squeezes the hydrogen so hard that it is liquid.

          Jupiter is about 90% hydrogen and 10% helium  with traces of methane, water, ammonia and "rock". This is very close to the composition of the primordial Solar Nebula from which the entire solar system was formed

This hypothetical cosmic body acts in the exact opposite manner of a black hole. Instead of pulling in matter, a white hole expels it like a sort of cosmic exhaust valve, giving off serious amounts of energy. Some cosmologists theorize that a black hole in one universe might empty out through a white hole in another universe. In these theories, the black hole acts as a kind of tunnel -- instead of pulling in matter that collapses into a single point, the black hole shuttles the matter right through the tunnel and out the white hole on the other end . In other words, the matter that comes out of a white hole is the matter that fell into a black hole.

The Sun provides our planet with 126,000,000,000,000 horsepower of energy every day. This means that 54,000 horsepower is delivered to every man, woman and child on earth in each twenty four hour period. This amount of energy equals only about two billionths of the total energy broadcast into our solar system by the Sun each day.

Neutron Stars Are Very, Very Heavy

Friday, 5 April 2013
Posted by vicky

Neutron stars are only about 10-13 miles in diameter, they are heavier than many stars. A thimbleful (very small amount) or sugar cube, amount of a neutron star weighs around 100 million tons. That’s more than a large mountain.

Now researchers from NASA have discovered evidence that the planet may harbor pockets of water ice, along with organic material, in several permanently shadowed craters near its north pole.
New data from NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft reveal bright spots (shown in yellow) on Mercury that are almost certainly ice.

Solar System's Vacuum Cleaner.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Posted by vicky

Jupiter is the solar system's vacuum cleaner, pulling in meteors and comets. Scientists estimate that if it was not for this amazing fact, the number of these objects hitting earth would be about ten thousand times greater.
A new space suit, as of 2009, costs between 13 and 16 million each, to include maintenance. They do not make a new one for every astronaut. There are several sizes and each crew member is fitted. Upon return they are maintained and inspected, very meticulously, before being used again.

Saturn is sometimes called the ”Jewel of the Solar System” because its ring system looks like a crown. The rings are well known, but often the question ”what are Saturn’s rings made of” arises. Those rings are made up of dust, rock, and ice accumulated from passing comets, meteorite impacts on Saturn’s moons, and the planet’s gravity pulling material from the moons. Some of the material in the ring system are as small as grains of sand, others are larger than tall buildings, while a few are up to a kilometer across.

Moon Dust smells like gunpowder

Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Posted by vicky

Upon leaving the Moon, astronauts on the Apollo missions described moon dust as smelling like gunpowder and feeling extremely soft. Scientists, however, are still not exactly sure why this is because the two have extremely different compositions with Moon dust consisting mostly of small shards of silicone dioxide glass.

NASA scientists announced that after scouring reams of data from the Hubble Space Telescope they can say with certainty that our Milky Way is destined to eventually collide with our neighbour the Andromeda galaxy. Of course, it won’t happen for about 4 billion years
Andromeda is currently 2.5 million light-years from Earth, but moving at a pretty swift 250,000 miles per hour. At that speed, the collision won’t be happening until about 4 billion years from now. NASA says that their data suggests that Andromeda’s tangential — or “sideways” — motion is such that the Milky Way will experience a head-on collision from the neighboring galaxy.

A giant string of invisible dark matter has been discovered across the universe between a pair of galaxy clusters.

The filament forms a bridge between two huge galaxy clusters called Abell 222 and Abell 223, which lie 2.7 billion light-years away. The universe is thought to be filled with such strings of dark matter, a mysterious substance that cannot be seen, only sensed through its gravitational pull.

Scientists have made previous attempts to find dark matter filaments, which are predicted by theories that suggest galaxy clusters form at the intersections of filaments. Dark matter is thought to make up 83% of all matter in the universe.

Bermuda Triangle Mystery Revealed

Sunday, 10 March 2013
Posted by vicky

Popular theories solving the mystery

So what caused the ships and aircraft to disappear mysteriously? There have been many research and explorations done to uncover the mystery. There is no single theory that can explain all the incidents of disappearances. The ships and aircraft have been victims of different circumstances and situations. Things happened quickly and unexpectedly. While many theories have come out, there are few that come close to solving the Bermuda Triangle Mystery.
Methane Gas trapped under the sea floor can erupt, as a result can lower the water density and cause ships to sink. Even planes flying over it, can catch fire and get completely destroyed during such gas blowout. 

Sargasso Sea is a strange area that has no shores and bounded only by water currents on all sides. Many ships passing through it have been stranded and made motionless. 

Electronic Fog, a strange thick cloud appears from nowhere and engulfs a ship or a plane. Instruments begin to malfunction, and finally the ship or the aircraft vanishes without a trace. 

Compass Variation Do you know that magnetic and absolute North are not the same. Which means that the north where a compass points and the absolute geographic north which is the north pole are different. So ships need to make adjustment for this difference to keep to the right direction. 
But in Bermuda Triangle, there is a narrow strip where both these North's become the same. Can this be the cause for fatal accidents?

Saturn floats. As big as the planet Saturn is, if you were to put it in the universe's biggest glass of water, it would float. This is because its density is .687 grams per cubed while water is .998 g per cubed. Unfortunately, you need a glass that is over 120,000 km in diameter to witness this.

In 1999 a violent outburst at V4641 Sgr revealed it to be the closest known black hole to Earth. Originally thought to be positioned approximately 1,600 light-years from Earth, later observations showed it to be at least 15 times farther away.

Its radius in 25 km
mass is nearly 10 times that of the sun

Confirming what the Beatles always knew, astronomers have actually found a diamond in the sky - directly above Australia. It is the biggest known diamond in the universe, in fact
It weighs 2.27 thousand trillion trillion tonnes - that's 10 billion trillion trillion carats, or a 1 followed by 34 zeroes. The biggest earthly jewel is one of the British crown jewels, the 530-carat Star of Africa.

However, this cosmic jewel is hidden beneath a layer of hydrogen and helium gases, with the diamond core making up between 50 and 90 per cent of its mass. "It's the mother of all diamonds," said astronomer Travis Metcalfe, who led the team of researchers that studied the star

Sorry Mount Everest — you’re not the king of the solar system. That honor belongs to Olympus Mons, a massive mountain on our planetary neighbor, Mars. Olympus Mons is a giant mound of red dirt and rock. This volcanic behemoth is 2,400 meters, or 80,000 feet tall, which makes it almost 15 miles high. Everest is a mere dwarf in comparison. This giant Martian volcano is either a mountain climber’s wildest dream, or worst nightmare.

The greatest chance so far, according to astronomers, of a large asteroid colliding with the earth and wiping life out is in 2029. Asteroids have hit the planet before, and caused mass extinctions, so there is some precedent for it happening again.
The culprit this time is the Apophis Asteroid (99942 Apophis), which is headed our way in 2029. There’s a little less than a 3% chance that this bad boy will crash into terra firma. Let’s hope Apophis gives the planet a miss, otherwise you can stop paying into your retirement account right now.