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Sorry Mount Everest — you’re not the king of the solar system. That honor belongs to Olympus Mons, a massive mountain on our planetary ne...
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Sorry Mount Everest — you’re not the king of the solar system. That honor belongs to Olympus Mons, a massive mountain on our planetary ne...
Archive for April 2013
Jupiter has no surface for a spacecraft to land on because it is made mostly from helium gas and hydrogen. The massive pull of Jupiter’s gravity squeezes the hydrogen so hard that it is liquid.
Jupiter is about 90% hydrogen and 10% helium with traces of methane, water, ammonia and "rock". This is very close to the composition of the primordial Solar Nebula from which the entire solar system was formed
This hypothetical cosmic body acts in the exact opposite manner of a black hole. Instead of pulling in matter, a white hole expels it like a sort of cosmic exhaust valve, giving off serious amounts of energy. Some cosmologists theorize that a black hole in one universe might empty out through a white hole in another universe. In these theories, the black hole acts as a kind of tunnel -- instead of pulling in matter that collapses into a single point, the black hole shuttles the matter right through the tunnel and out the white hole on the other end . In other words, the matter that comes out of a white hole is the matter that fell into a black hole.
The Sun provides our planet with 126,000,000,000,000 horsepower of energy every day. This means that 54,000 horsepower is delivered to every man, woman and child on earth in each twenty four hour period. This amount of energy equals only about two billionths of the total energy broadcast into our solar system by the Sun each day.