Archive for May 2013

What does space smell of?

Saturday, 18 May 2013
Posted by vicky

Thanks to an orbiting astronaut, we now know the answer, and it is even stranger than you might expect
.Astronauts say the unique smell aboard the International Space Station is reminiscent of two things - meat and metal.

It has been described as like 'seared steak', 'hot metal' and welding fumes'.

Astronaut's have largely agreed on the scent.

Three-time spacewalker Thomas Jones said returning to the ISS, 'carries a distinct odor of ozone, a faint acrid smell.' and is 'sulfurous'.

                                 The March 11,2011  magnitude 9.0 earthquake in Japan may have shortened the length of each Earth day and shifted its axis. But don't worry—you won't notice the difference.

                                 The calculations also show the Japan quake should have shifted the position of Earth's figure axis (the axis about which Earth's mass is balanced) by about 17 centimeters (6.5 inches), towards 133 degrees east longitude. Earth's figure axis should not be confused with its north-south axis; they are offset by about 10 meters (about 33 feet). This shift in Earth's figure axis will cause Earth to wobble a bit differently as it rotates, but it will not cause a shift of Earth's axis in space—only external forces such as the gravitational attraction of the sun, moon and planets can do that.

                                 Shortened days on Earth by 1.8 microseconds